University’s & Courses

Friesland College en ROC Friese Poort gaan verder als Firda - » Bakery  Sweets Center

E-commerce manager – Firda University

At Firda University, I pursued a degree in E-commerce management. Throughout its three-year program, I acquired comprehensive knowledge of E-commerce, gaining proficiency in its various aspects. This educational journey provided me with numerous opportunities to engage in diverse projects, contributing significantly to establishing myself in the E-commerce market. Upon the completion of my three years of study, I was awarded my diploma, which you can see below.

 Informatie voor ouders | NHL Stenden

Entrepreneurship & Retail management – NHL Stenden University

After obtaining my initial diploma, I pursued a degree in Entrepreneurship & Retail Management at NHL Stenden University. I'm currently in my second year, but this experience has already taught me a lot of valuable lessons in business management and enhanced my understanding of E-commerce. The first year of the program was primarily dedicated to E-commerce, which significantly elevated my expertise in this field.

DSA - Bedankt voor je aankoop!

Dropship Academy

While pursuing my studies in E-commerce Management, I discovered my passion for launching my own online store. To develop the necessary skills, I enrolled in the Dropship Academy, which introduced me to the drop shipping business model. This experience led me to create my own store and achieve my first online sales.

The journey was not without its challenges and setbacks, but through perseverance and learning from my mistakes, I gradually improved my ability to convert online visitors into customers. I successfully reached a monthly revenue of $10,000. But a miscalculation in net profit led to a significant loss, forcing me to close the store.

Undeterred, I continued my journey through working for another drop shipper. I helped with his remarkable success, which generated almost $10 million in revenue over the past three years. My role primarily involved optimizing the conversion rate, a key factor in their achievements.

While still working for him I realized that my path was somewhere else, and I wanted to start for myself. But this time I really wanted to make an impact, so I started this company. This company is made with the mission to help other businesses replicate the same success I had achieved.

The Real World - Andrew Tate (Curso Completo ) Lousã E Vilarinho • OLX  Portugal

The Real World Univerity

I've always been someone who strives for self-improvement and continuous learning. When I discovered this course, my interest was piqued, and I believed it could be a valuable opportunity to enhance my skills. The industry we operate in is constantly evolving, with new advancements emerging each year. Therefore, I undertook this course as a means to further elevate my skills and become a more experienced professional.

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